Panda Ni Ni: A Lazy Mother

Panda Ni Ni

Ni Ni (妮妮), a female giant panda born on August 23, 2008, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, has become a symbol of hope and celebration. Named during the 2008 Beijing Olympics, her name reflects the spirit of the games and the slogan “Beijing Welcomes You.” With her charming personality and remarkable maternal instincts, Ni Ni has captured the hearts of visitors and researchers alike. This introduction will explore her background, naming significance, growth experiences, and her achievements as a mother, showcasing her vital role in panda conservation efforts.

Basic Information

Intriguing Details of Panda Ni NI

Natimg Significance: Ni Ni’s name was chosen in celebration of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Coinciding with the event, her name represents the slogan “Beijing Welcomes You.” Her brother, Ying Ying, was named to complement her name, creating a unified meaning of “welcome.”

Gray Fur: Ni Ni was quite introverted as a cub, often playing alone in a tree. She inherited the family’s gray gene, and when she was born, the fur on her lower body was entirely gray. It wasn’t until she was over 10 months old that it gradually turned black.

Lazy Mother: Ni Ni tends to be lazy when taking care of her cubs. She often starts feeding them but then leaves the cubs to one side, causing them to not get enough to eat. To solve this problem, the keepers had to bring in a chair to sit and watch her nurse the cubs, not just to remind her, but to ensure that the cubs received adequate care.

Life Experience of Panda Ni Ni

Early Years: Ni Ni and her brother Ying Ying quickly became star attractions at the Chengdu Research Base shortly after their birth. Their playful antics and adorable appearances drew considerable media attention and captivated visitors, making them beloved figures at the center.

Breeding Success: As Ni Ni matured, she demonstrated excellent breeding potential. On August 7, 2015, she gave birth to a pair of twin female cubs named Da Ni (大妮) and Xiao Ni (小妮) (also known as Ni Xiao).

Continued Reproduction: Ni Ni continued to excel as a mother, and on July 20, 2017, she welcomed another set of twins -a male named Ni Ke (妮可), weighing 203 grams at birth, and a female named Ni Na (妮娜), who weighed 91 grams.

Gallery of Panda Ni Ni