Meet Cheng Shuang (成双), a charming male giant panda born on September 12, 2012, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Cheng Shuang is not just another panda; he is a unique individual with a fascinating backstory, distinct physical features, and an engaging personality. His upbringing, marked by significant milestones and experiences, has endeared him to fans around the world.
Basic Information
- Name: Cheng Shuang (成双)
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: September 12, 2012
- Place of Birth: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Sun Room
- Mother: Cheng Ji (成绩)
- Father: Fu Fu (福福)
- Twin Brother: Cheng Dui (成对)
- Lineage Number: 857
- Siblings: Ying Ying (迎迎), Ni Ni (妮妮), Cheng Jiu (成就), Cheng Da (成大) and Cheng Shi (成实)
Intriguing Details of Panda Cheng Shuang
Appearance: At the time of his arrival, Cheng Shuang was easily recognizable among the typical black-and-white panda cubs due to his distinct gray vest and gray fur pants. As he grew older, the gray fur gradually transformed into the classic black-and-white coloration we associate with giant pandas today.
Media Attention: In 2014, Cheng Shuang, his brother, and the other members of the Little F4 made a memorable appearance on CCTV’s “News Broadcast” to celebrate the New Year, capturing the hearts of viewers across the nation.
Unbeatable at the Base: Despite Cheng Shuang’s calm personality, his fighting skills are incredibly strong. At the base, he has proven unbeatable, often pinning his younger brother Cheng Dui to the ground, earning him the nickname “Little Warrior” from his adoring fans.
Contemplating Life: Sometimes, Cheng Shuang quietly sits at the doorway, knees bent, hugging his legs as if deep in thought about life. This scene often amuses netizens, who jokingly comment, “So even pandas have their own worries!”
Life Experience of Panda Cheng Shuang
Birth: Cheng Shuang and his twin brother, Cheng Dui, were born on the same day as their mother, Cheng Ji, celebrating her birthday alongside their own.
Little F4: On September 3, 2013, just shy of their first birthday, Cheng Shuang and Cheng Dui transitioned from the nurturing care of their mother to the “kindergarten” of the panda base, where they were taken under the wing of panda Li Li (莉莉). Along with their companions Oreo (奥莉奥) and Miao Miao (淼淼), they formed the beloved “Little F4” of the Sun Room.
New Chapter: On June 10, 2014, as Li Li left the kindergarten, Cheng Shuang officially began his adolescent phase. Just after celebrating his third birthday, on November 5, 2015, Cheng Shuang and his friends moved into Villa No. 2, marking the start of a new chapter in their lives.
Move to Changsha: A month later, on December 29, he and Cheng Dui relocated to Changsha Ecological Zoo, embarking on yet another exciting stage of their journey.
Back to Chengdu: On December 17, 2018, Cheng Shuang and his brother returned to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, where they continue to thrive and charm visitors.