Cheng Shi (成实) is a charming giant panda with a unique appearance and gentle personality. His early life, filled with curiosity and a calm demeanor, has earned him a place in the hearts of those who care for him. Born as the tenth cub of his mother, Cheng Ji, Cheng Shi’s development from a chubby, grey-hued panda cub into a strong, healthy adult is a testament to the careful attention he received. With his endearing qualities and playful nature, Cheng Shi has become a beloved member of the panda community, known affectionately by many nicknames.
Basic Information
- Name: Cheng Shi (成实)
- Nicknames: 肥鱼 (Fatty Shi), 老干部 (Old Cadre)
- Date of Birth: August 19, 2016
- Gender: Male
- Studbook Number: 1038
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Mother: Cheng Ji (成绩)
- Father: Fu Fu (福福)
- Siblings: Ji You (绩优), Ying Ying (迎迎), Cheng Shuang (成双), Cheng Dui (成对), Ni Ni (妮妮), Ji Li (绩丽), Cheng Da (成大), Cheng Jiu (成就)
Intriguing Details of Panda Cheng Shi
Appearance: When Cheng Shi was born, he had a unique appearance, featuring grey fur on his arms, legs, eye patches, and ears, making him stand out among other panda cubs. His greyish coat gave him the appearance of a panda tinged with silver. As he grew, his coat gradually changed, and the grey areas of his body began to turn black.
Name Origin: His name, Cheng Shi, was chosen because he was Cheng Ji’s tenth cub, and the name “Shi” sounds like “ten” in Chinese, symbolizing his birth order. Moreover, the combination of “Cheng” and “Shi” means honesty. Due to his serious expression and always having a stern look, Cheng Shi is also known as the “Old Cadre.”
Laid-Back Routine: As a cub, Cheng Shi was known for being incredibly adorable but quite lazy. He often appeared sleepy and inactive, either lounging with his eyes half-open or napping. Most of his days were spent sprawled on wooden platforms, earning him the description “Charging for 2 hours, active for 5 minutes.”
Fighting: Since childhood, Cheng Shi has been chubby and larger than other pandas of the same age. However, possibly due to his laziness, his fighting ability is practically nonexistent—he always ends up being pinned down by other pandas during play fights.
Life Experience of Panda Cheng Shi
Birth: Cheng Shi was born on August 19, 2016, at 1:00 PM, after his mother, Cheng Ji, showed signs of labor earlier that morning. Weighing 205 grams at birth, he was considered a “super-heavy newborn cub.”
Journey to Fuzhou: On September 30, 2019, Cheng Shi, along with another giant panda named Yuan Yue (圆月), was sent to Xian Gai Shan Wildlife Park in Fuzhou for a period of exhibition and exchange.
Return to Chengdu: After nearly a year in Fuzhou, Cheng Shi returned to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding on August 5, 2020.