Meet Yun Er (云儿), a charismatic male giant panda born on May 20, 2017, at the Bifengxia Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. Known for his engaging personality and distinct behaviors, Yun Er has become a favorite among visitors at the Yancheng Dafeng Port Zoo. His journey from a wild training program to becoming a star attraction exemplifies his unique charm and adaptability.
Basic Information
- Name: Yun Er (云儿)
- Gender: Male
- Birth Date: May 20, 2017
- Birthplace: Bifengxia Base, China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center
- Lineage Number: 1058
- Mother: Xi Xi (茜茜)
- Twin Sister: Zhuang Zhuang (壮壮)
- Siblings: Rong Rong (融融), Ying Ying (盈盈), Mei Xi (美茜), Mei Xin (美欣), Yun Duo (云朵), Hua Bao (华豹), Ya Mei (雅美)
Intriguing Details of Panda Yun Er
Strong Appetite: Yun Er is famous for his incredible appetite. Whenever he hears the call for mealtime, he immediately pounces on the food, running clumsily with his limbs in a rather funny way. Not only does he eat a lot during the day, but he also insists on having midnight snacks. He often gazes longingly at the keepers, “begging” for food, and even in the middle of the night, he will search around for snacks.
Variety of Sleeping Positions: Yun Er’s sleeping positions are both amusing and endearing. Sometimes, he lies on his back, stretching out his limbs as if he were an elegant panda aristocrat. Other times, he lies on his back with his face toward the sky, as though admiring the clouds above. There are also times when he peacefully sleeps, lying belly down. The most unusual thing is that Yun Er can even fall asleep while sitting up.
Clingy, Spoiled Panda: Yun Er loves interacting with his keepers. Despite his height of 1.8 meters, he lifts his leg to let the keeper groom him, looking utterly content and enjoying the attention.
Life Experience of Panda Yun Er
Birth and Wild Training: Yun Er was born at the Bifengxia Base on May 20, 2017. As part of a wild release program, he underwent wild training at the Walnut Flat Base, learning survival skills under the guidance of his mother.
Adjustment of Release Plan: Originally planned for release in the Guanshan National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province, the plan was adjusted. On August 5, 2020, Yun Er, along with another panda named Zhen Sheng (震生), was transferred to Yancheng Dafeng Port Zoo to begin a new chapter.
Life at Yancheng Dafeng Port Zoo: Yun Er quickly gained fame at the zoo due to his obedient nature and “foodie” tendencies, becoming a top attraction for visitors