Panda Xi Xi: The Resilient Mother

Panda Xi Xi

Xi Xi (茜茜), born on August 13, 1998, at the Wolong Nature Reserve’s Walnut Flat Wild Training Base, is a remarkable giant panda known for her resilience and significant contributions to her species. With a lineage number of 476, she is the daughter of Yong Ba and Pan Pan. Throughout her life, Xi Xi has experienced a diverse range of environments and challenges, making her a beloved figure among panda enthusiasts. Currently residing in the Dujiangyan Panda Paradise, she enjoys a comfortable life in her later years, still captivating the hearts of her caretakers and fans alike.

Basic Information

  • Name: Xi Xi (茜茜)
  • Lineage Number: 476
  • Date of Birth: August 13, 1998
  • Place of Birth: China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center, Walnut Flat Wild Training Base
  • Mother: Yong Ba (永巴)
  • Father: Pan Pan (盼盼)
  • Siblings: Jin Zhu (锦竹), Yuan Yuan (媛媛), Tian Tian (添添), Guo Qing (国庆), Long Teng (龙腾), Long Fei (龙飞), Fei Fei (妃妃)
  • Current Residence: Dujiangyan Panda Paradise

Intriguing Details of Panda Xi Xi

First Escape: Xi Xi has a remarkable history of adventurous escapes that showcase her wild instincts and survival skills. In June 2007, she managed to escape into the wild during a heavy rainstorm and was not found until three days later.

Second Escape: Then, following the aftershocks of the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan earthquake, she escaped again. At the time, Xi Xi was pregnant and fled into the mountains. The staff searched for 13 days before finally spotting her drinking water by the river. Likely due to the earthquake and her pregnancy, Xi Xi was extremely alert and distrusted all humans. In the end, the staff had to use a tranquilizer dart to safely bring her back down the mountain.

Third Escape: After the earthquake, she was relocated to the Ya’an Bifengxia Base, where she continued to experience challenges; during a subsequent heavy rainstorm, trees fell onto the panda enclosure, allowing her to escape once more.

Life Experience of Panda Xi Xi

August 13, 1998 – Born at the Walnut Flat Wild Training Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

June 24, 2008 – Moved to the Ya’an Bifengxia Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

December 12, 2013 – Relocated to the Wolong Shen Tree Flat Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

January 12, 2014 – Moved back to the Ya’an Bifengxia Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

January 16, 2016 – Relocated to the Dujiangyan Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

October 27, 2016 – Moved again to the Ya’an Bifengxia Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

2018 – Relocated back to the Dujiangyan Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

August 28, 2019 – Sent on a trip to the Nanjing Tangshan Ziqinghu Wild Animal World.

August 2020 – Returned to the Dujiangyan Base of the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center.

Breeding Achievements of Panda Xi Xi

  • Rong Rong (融融): Male, Lineage Number 582. Born on July 13, 2004, at the Walnut Flat Wild Training Base. Moved to Dujiangyan Base on October 10, 2016. Unfortunately, he passed away in December 2022 due to acute heart failure caused by a heart valve thrombosis.
  • Ying Ying (盈盈): Female, Lineage Number 610. Born on August 16, 2005, at the Walnut Flat Wild Training Base. On April 26, 2007, she was gifted to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China. She later moved to Ocean Park, Hong Kong, on July 25, 2015.
  • Mei Xi (美茜): Female, Lineage Number 631. Born on August 10, 2006, at the Wolong Base. Moved to the Yaan Bifengxia Base on March 31, 2015.
  • Mei Xin (美欣): Female, Lineage Number 632. Born on August 10, 2006, at the Wolong Base. Transferred to the Ulanqab City Linhu Gushai Panda Pavilion on September 29, 2019.
  • Yun Duo (云朵): Female, Lineage Number 810. Born on July 8, 2011, at the Walnut Flat Wild Training Base. Transferred to Shanghai Wild Animal Park on September 27, 2013.
  • Hua Bao (华豹): Male, Lineage Number 867. Born on July 10, 2013, at the Yaan Bifengxia Base. Moved to Ahtari Zoo in Finland on January 17, 2018.
  • Ya Mei (雅美): Female, Lineage Number 953. Born on June 30, 2015, at the Yaan Bifengxia Base. Transferred to Baoding Ai Bao Wild Animal World on September 15, 2017.
  • Yun Er (云儿): Male, Lineage Number 1058. Born on May 20, 2017, at the Yaan Bifengxia Base. Transferred to Yancheng Dafeng Port Zoo on August 20, 2020.
  • Zhuang Zhuang (壮壮): Female, Lineage Number 1059. Born on May 20, 2017, at the Yaan Bifengxia Base. Transferred to the Yuyuan Chinese Giant Panda Garden on July 18, 2023.

Gallery of Panda Xi Xi