Panda Fei Fei: Mother of 13 Cubs

Panda Fei Fei

Panda Fei Fei (妃妃) is a remarkable female giant panda born on August 16, 1995, at the Wolong National Nature Reserve’s Walnut Tree Flat Breeding Base in China. With a lineage number of 432, she is currently residing at the Dujiangyan Base of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. Fei Fei is known not only for her impressive lineage but also for her significant contributions to panda conservation efforts and her distinct personality traits that have made her a beloved figure in the panda community.

Basic Information

  • Name: Fei Fei (妃妃)
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: August 16, 1995
  • Place of Birth: Walnut Tree Flat Breeding Base, China Giant Panda Conservation Center
  • Lineage Number: 432
  • Current Residence: Dujiangyan Base, China Giant Panda Conservation Center
  • Mother: Yong Ba (永巴)
  • Father: Pan Pan (盼盼)
  • Siblings: Jin Zhu (锦竹), Xi Xi (茜茜), Yuan Yuan (媛媛), Tian Tian (添添), Guo Qing (国庆), Long Teng (龙腾), Long Fei (龙飞)

Life Experience of Panda Fei Fei

Move Between Hetaoping and Dujiangyan: Fei Fei spent her first 13 years at the Hetaoping Wild Panda Training Base, where she was born. She later moved to the Bifengxia Panda Base and frequently traveled between Bifengxia and Dujiangyan before finally settling in Dujiangyan to enjoy her retirement.

A Dramatic Personality Shift: As a cub, Fei Fei was famously affectionate, often showing off her signature “bear hug” move by clinging tightly to keepers peeling bamboo for her. However, as she matured, her temperament changed drastically, becoming fiery and irritable. Her strong personality even led to rumors that she wasn’t suitable for exchanges with other zoos or countries and had to stay at her home base. During her breeding period, Fei Fei was known for her unpredictable temper, often lashing out at male pandas without warning.

The Foodie Panda: Fei Fei has always had a deep love for bamboo. Even after falling ill, her passion for bamboo remained undiminished, though her intake slightly decreased. She was known for eating throughout the day – morning, noon, and night – and even waking up for a midnight snack, often live-streaming her meals. This earned her the playful nickname of the “foodie livestream panda.”

An Unconventional Mother: Fei Fei’s approach to motherhood was carefree, sometimes even dismissive of her clingy cubs. Her relaxed parenting style earned her the title “Chill Mom.” Despite this, she deeply cared for her cubs. When one of her cubs, Qing Cheng, was taken for a medical check-up by keepers, Fei Fei panicked, refused to eat, and frantically searched for him until he was returned. Beneath her laid-back demeanor, Fei Fei’s maternal instincts ran strong.

Health Challenges: On August 9, 2024, the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center announced that Fei Fei had experienced a seizure at the Dujiangyan Base. Emergency measures were promptly taken, and the seizures stopped. Since then, veterinarians and keepers have been closely monitoring her condition to ensure her recovery.

Breeding Achievements of Panda Fei Fei

Fei Fei began her breeding career at the age of 5 and continued until she was 22 years old. Over her reproductive lifespan, she has successfully raised nine litters comprising 13 cubs, among which nine survived. This significant breeding success has made her an important contributor to the conservation of the giant panda species.

  • Le Sheng (乐生): Female, lineage number 512, born on August 3, 2000. Moved to the Wolong God Tree Flat Base in 2018.
  • Jing Jing (晶晶): Male, lineage number 605, born on August 6, 2005. Relocated to Weihai Xixiaokou Wildlife Park on September 2, 2009.
  • Feng Yi (凤仪): Female, lineage number 641, born on August 23, 2006. Moved to Malaysia on May 20, 2014.
  • Ao Yun (奥运): Male, lineage number 721, born on August 8, 2008. Sent to Shennongjia Nature Reserve on October 4, 2016.
  • Fei Yun (飞云): Female, lineage number 774, born on July 30, 2010. Relocated to Dalian Forest Zoo on September 21, 2012.
  • Yun Tao (云涛): Male, lineage number 830, born on October 31, 2011. Sent to the Linhu Ancient Site Panda Museum in Ulanqab on September 29, 2019.
  • Bing Qing (冰清): Female, lineage number 933, born on August 12, 2014. Moved to Shenyang Forest Zoo on September 17, 2017.
  • Yi Yun (怡云): Female, lineage number 980, born on August 22, 2015. One of the twins did not survive. Moved to the Dujiangyan Base in 2018.
  • Qing Cheng (青城): Male, lineage number 1102, born on August 11, 2017. Sent to Anshan City’s 219 Zoo Panda Pavilion on May 21, 2020.

Gallery of Panda Fei Fei