Panda Ya Nan: The Elegant Gentleman

Panda Ya Nan

Ya Nan (雅男), a young male panda with a lively spirit and a charming personality, has become a beloved resident of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. His birth and growth have been closely followed by fans and visitors, highlighting the dedication of panda conservation efforts in China.

Basic Information

Life Experience of Panda Ya Nan

Birth: On August 14, 2019, Ya Nan was born at the Ya’an Bifengxia Base of the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center. His birth was particularly meaningful as his mother, You You, was already 21 years old, making his arrival a much-anticipated event.

Current Life: Currently, Ya Nan is living at the Chengdu Base alongside his companion Bao Quan (宝泉), where he enjoys a high-quality environment and expert care.

Gallery of Panda Ya Nan