Panda Xing Qiu: The Autumn Star

Panda Xing Qiu

Xing Qiu (星秋) is a young male giant panda born on September 29, 2020, at the Wolong Shenshu Ping Base in Sichuan, China. His name, “Xing Qiu”, meaning “Autumn Star,” was inspired by his birth during the autumn season, when the stars were particularly bright in the sky. This name symbolizes the crisp, refreshing air of fall and evokes a sense of serenity.

Basic Information

  • Name: Xing Qiu (星秋)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: September 29, 2020
  • Place of Birth: Wolong Shenshu Ping Base
  • Mother: Shu Qin (淑琴)
  • Siblings: Qin Xin (琴心), Shan Zhu (山竹), Xing Yi (星怡)

Life Experience of Panda Xing Qiu

Name Origin: Xing Qiu, meaning “Autumn Stars,” was named after being born in the fall, when the stars twinkled brightly in the sky. The name reflects the crisp and refreshing autumn air, symbolizing tranquility and clarity.

Adoption: In April 2021, Xing Qiu was adopted by the Mercedes-Benz Star Fund, ensuring a lifelong commitment to his care and well-being.

Exchange to Australia: At the end of 2024, following the return of giant pandas Wang Wang (网网) and Fu Ni (福妮) from their 15-year stay in Australia, Xing Qiu, along with female panda Yi Lan (怡兰), will travel to Adelaide Zoo. There, they will begin a new chapter of the China-Australia giant panda conservation and research collaboration.

Arrival in Australia: On December 15, 2024, at 6:02 AM local time (3:32 AM Beijing time), giant panda Xing Qiu arrived in Australia aboard a special flight.

During Quarantine: On December 26, 2024, footage of Xing Qiu and Yi Lan during their quarantine period in Australia was released. In the video, Xing Qiu and Yi Lan are seen eating enthusiastically, with Yilan playfully enjoying a ball.

Meet the Public: On January 21, 2025, Xing Qiu and Yi Lan ended their quarantine and officialy meet the public in Adelaide Zoo.

News about Panda Xing Qiu

Gallery of Panda Xing Qiu