Cheng Ji (成绩), a female giant panda born on September 12, 2000, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, has lived a life marked by her unique appearance and her remarkable contributions to the panda population. Known for her playful and gentle nature, she has become an iconic figure at the Chengdu Panda Base. With a fascinating story, Cheng Ji has raised multiple cubs, each known for their distinctive early greyish fur, earning them the affectionate nickname “Xiao Hui Hui” (Little Grey).
Basic Information
- Name: Cheng Ji (成绩)
- Pedigree Number: 523
- Date of Birth: September 12, 2000
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Gender: Female
- Mother: Cheng Cheng (成成)
- Father: Ke Bi (科比)
- Twin Sister: Cheng Gong (成功)
- Siblings: Zhu Zhu (珠珠), Guai Guai (乖乖), Quan Mei (全美), Shi Shi (师师), Hua Zui Ba (花嘴巴)
Initriguing Details of Panda Cheng Ji
Little Grey: One of the most fascinating aspects of Cheng Ji’s story is her cubs’ unusual appearance. When they are born, the black parts of their fur, such as their arms, legs, and ears, are a light grey rather than the typical black seen in other panda cubs. When placed next to other baby pandas, Cheng Ji’s cubs appear as if the printer ran out of ink, leading to their nickname, “Xiao Hui Hui,” meaning “Little Grey.” This distinctive coloring, however, is only temporary. As they grow, their fur gradually darkens, and by the time they reach about one year old, they develop the classic black-and-white panda coat.
The Cleanliness Princess: Cheng Ji, along with her sister Cheng Gong, is known for being exceptionally clean, earning them the nickname “Cleanliness Princesses.” Cheng Ji often grooms her fur and has a unique habit while bathing – she leans her back against the pool’s edge, submerges her upper body in the water, and uses her hind legs to scrub herself. Additionally, unlike most pandas who relieve themselves wherever they like, these sisters have a rare habit of designated toileting, an unusual trait among the typically carefree panda community.
Contrasting Personality: Cheng Ji is stunningly beautiful, with bright, snowy-white fur. Alongside her sister, the duo is often praised by visitors as “the fairest sisters at the base.” However, beneath her soft and adorable appearance lies a fierce personality. Cheng Ji is known to be quite aggressive toward male pandas during mating attempts, often scolding and even striking them.
Breeding Achievements of Panda Cheng Ji
- On July 23, 2007, Cheng Ji gave birth to two cubs: Ji You (绩优) and Ji Li (绩丽). Both are currently residing at the Chengdu Panda Base.
- On August 23, 2008, she had another set of twins: Ying Ying (迎迎) and Ni Ni (妮妮), who also live at the Chengdu Panda Base.
- On August 15, 2011, Cheng Ji welcomed two more cubs: Cheng Da (成大) and Cheng Xiao (成小). Cheng Xiao was later transferred to Yancheng Wild Animal Park in Changzhou on January 4, 2017.
- On September 12, 2012, she gave birth to twins named Cheng Shuang (成双) and Cheng Dui (成对). Chengdui was later sent to Quancheng Oulebao Kingdom in Shandong on August 26, 2020.
- On July 18, 2014, Cheng Ji gave birth to a single cub named Cheng Jiu (成就), who now lives at Dujiangyan Panda Valley.
- On August 19, 2016, she welcomed another cub, Cheng Shi (成实), who continues to live at the Chengdu Panda Base.