Long Long (隆隆), a female giant panda born on July 31, 2013, at Guangzhou’s Chimelong Safari Park, made history as the first panda born in Guangdong Province and South China. Her birth captured the attention of many, and her naming became a highly anticipated event. Long Long has grown up to become an important part of the national panda breeding program, and in 2018, she became a mother herself. Her life story reflects not only her significance as a symbol of conservation but also her importance in the efforts to protect this endangered species.
Basic Information
- Name: Long Long (隆隆)
- Gender: Female
- Studbook Number: 878
- Birthdate: July 31, 2013
- Birthplace: Chimelong Safari Park, Guangzhou
- Father: Lin Lin (琳琳)
- Mother: Mei Qing (梅清)
- Siblings: Qing Shan (青山), Qin Qin (亲亲), Ai Ai (爱爱), Long Long (隆隆), Guo Qing (国庆)
Intriguing Details of Panda Long Long
Appearance: Long Long has a round face, Mickey-like ears, a heart-shaped nose, and lips that naturally form a smile. The black fur on her chest resembles a bell, and her bright white coat has earned her the nickname “Big Beautiful Bear” from fans. However, due to her short legs, keepers jokingly call her “Potato Legs.”
Mischievous Nature: Long Long has been active and playful since childhood. She was once the chubbiest of her panda group (Class of 2013), and after turning one, she became incredibly strong – so much so that she once chased three keepers at the same time, preventing them from working. She even dug up an orange tree that had just been planted the day before.
Love for Rituals: Long Long has a strict routine before heading back inside: first, she grooms herself, then she poops, and finally, she grooms herself again. If the process is interrupted, she starts over. This habit often makes her linger outside, earning her the nickname “Overtime Long.” She also pretends not to hear the keepers calling her, leading to another nickname, “Deaf Long” (a pun on her Chinese name).
Mango Thief: Long Long once secretly ate a mango and later passed deep red poop, scaring the keepers into thinking she had a serious illness. After conducting multiple tests, they realized the culprit was the mango and sighed in relief. However, her younger brother Ai Ai witnessed this and decided to try mangoes himself.
Messy Habits: For a while, Long Long kept pooping in her water bowl, no matter how much the keepers tried to stop her. In the end, they had to give her an extra bowl – one for drinking and one for pooping.
Life Experience of Panda Long Long
Birth: Long Long was born at 12:55 a.m. on July 31, 2013, to her mother Mei Qing. She holds the distinction of being the first giant panda born in Guangdong Province and the entire South China region, making her birth a significant milestone in the area’s panda conservation efforts.
Naming: In late September 2013, Chimelong Safari Park launched a naming campaign for the first panda born in South China. The event attracted over 100,000 participants and garnered nearly 10,000 name suggestions. The top three names were selected through public voting, with “Long Long” winning 18,916 votes, followed by “Yue Yue” with 17,785 votes, and “Yang Yang” with 15,426 votes. Ultimately, Long Long’s name was chosen by her mother Mei Qing, who made the final decision by drawing lots.
Breeding: In May 2018, Chimelong Safari Park announced that Long Long had successfully joined the national panda breeding program and was in good health, with the potential to become a mother. On February 21, keepers noticed signs of estrus in Long Long, and due to the short window of time for female pandas to breed, every moment was critical. She was quickly transferred to the Wolong Shenshuping Panda Base, where she successfully mated three times with a male panda named Lan Zai (兰仔) on March 3. After a 132-day pregnancy, Long Long gave birth to a healthy male cub on July 12, 2018, who was named “Long Zai (隆仔).”