Hao Yue (皓月/Haoyue), born on June 27, 2018, at the Chengdu Research Base, is a panda with a captivating presence that has earned him the title of “Beauty King.” Known for his striking features—a broad head, large ears, and a signature V-shaped chin—he exudes star power. From his curious baby days, peeking through windows at his caretakers, to his meticulous nature in keeping his fur spotless, Hao Yue is a panda of refined tastes and charming aloofness.
Basic Information
- Name: Hao Yue (皓月)
- Meaning of the Name: The Bright Moon
- Alias: Beauty King (颜王)
- Gender: Male
- Lineage Number: 1130
- Date of Birth: June 27, 2018
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Gengda Shenshuping Base, China
- Mother: Xi Mei (喜妹)
- Father: Lu Lu (芦芦)
- Siblings: Chun Chun (春春), Hui Hui (回回), Tao Tao (淘淘), Si Jia (思嘉), Yin Ke (银柯), Zheng Zheng (正正), Hui Hui (辉辉), Ba Xi (八喜), Xi Yue (喜悦), Xi Le (喜乐)
Intriguing Details of Panda Hao Yue
Curious Baby: Hao Yue has an incredibly strong sense of curiosity. He often peeks through a small window to see what his caretakers are doing, as if he knows everything in his mind but simply can’t speak it out loud.
Cleanliness: Hao Yue is very particular about his hygiene. He often drinks water by the sink and takes the opportunity to wash his body and fur, maintaining a clean and tidy appearance.
Food Lover: Hao Yue is a true foodie, especially fond of eating bamboo shoots. He frequently engages in “bamboo shoot battles” with his friends, fighting for the delicious treat. At the same time, he is very selective about his bamboo, only choosing the best pieces to eat while leaving the smaller, thinner ones behind, showcasing his luxurious taste.
Star Quality: Hao Yue inherited his family’s signature features: large ears, a broad head, bird-like eye rings, and a small V-shaped chin. His personality, however, tends to be a bit aloof. He prefers eating bamboo or playing with toys with his back turned to the visitors. He occasionally turns around, giving visitors a brief glimpse of his charming face. Even this short appearance is enough to captivate onlookers.
Life Experience of Panda Hao Yue
The Adorable Cub: From the moment Hao Yue was born on June 27, 2018, he was destined to be a star. As a cub, Hao Yue stood out for his striking appearance, and his early days were marked by a certain “ugly-cute” charm. Often covered in pink fur from his mother’s licking, he was affectionately nicknamed “Red Child” by fans and caregivers alike.
Friendliest Panda: Hao Yue’s early life was filled with attention and affection. He was moved from his mother’s care to the nursery at around six months old, where he quickly adapted to a new social environment. His natural ability to make friends earned him the endearing title of “Friendliest Panda,” as he was known for his playful interactions with other young pandas.
The Handsome Young Panda: As Hao Yue grew, his appearance evolved from cute cub to handsome young panda, and he gained the nickname “Yan Wang” or “The Beauty King” from the iPanda Panda Channel. He is known for his sweet, friendly personality and his characteristic wide-mouthed smile, which endears him to everyone who meets him.
Adapting to a New Environment: On July 18, 2023, Hao Yue embarked on a new chapter in his life as he moved to the Yueyang Giant Panda Park in Hunan Province. At Yueyang, Hao Yue has adapted well to his new surroundings. He has formed friendly relationships with his fellow pandas and continues to engage with visitors through his charming personality.
Birthday Celebration: On June 27, 2024, Hao Yue celebrated his sixth birthday at the Yueyang Giant Panda Park. The celebration was a grand affair, with special events and activities organized to mark this milestone.