Wild Giant Panda Spends the Entire Night Eating Bamboo in the Forest

On July 12th, staff at the Wenchuan Management Station of the Giant Panda National Park discovered videos of several wild giant pandas while reviewing infrared camera monitoring data.

One video, taken in early March this year, shows a wild giant panda strolling through the snowy forest, passing through the camera’s view.

Another video, captured in late March this year, features a wild giant panda slowly walking up to a small tree and rubbing against the trunk to mark its territory.

A particularly fascinating video from October last year documents a wild giant panda foraging for food in the same bamboo forest from the evening of one day until the morning of the next.

In addition, multiple infrared cameras in the park also captured footage of other wildlife, including the Alpine Musk Deer, Yellow-throated Marten, and Sichuan Golden Monkey. The cameras even recorded a red-bellied tragopan changing its plumage.