Panda Fu Ni: The Beloved Spirit of Australia

Panda Fu Ni

Imagine the joy of watching a panda as it frolics with carefree abandon, its every movement an invitation to smile. That’s exactly what Fu Ni (福妮/Funi) brings to the table. With her mischievous tree-climbing feats and water play, she charmed not just China, but an entire continent. Having made history as one of the “Olympic Pandas” and later becoming a beloved icon in Australia, Fu Ni’s story is one of travel, adventure, and undeniable cuteness.

Basic Information

Life Experience of Padna Fu Ni

Olympic Panda: In 2008, Fu Ni was selected as one of the “Olympic Pandas” to support the Beijing Olympics. Known for her energetic and playful personality, Fu Ni quickly became a favorite for her love of climbing trees and playing in the water. She often enjoyed lounging in random spots, such as perched on a tree branch or a piece of wood, giving her a relaxed, charming demeanor.

Journey to Australia: On November 27, 2009, Fu Ni, along with the male panda Wang Wang (网网), was sent to the Adelaide Zoo in Australia as part of an international panda exchange program. They became the first pair of giant pandas to permanently reside in the Southern Hemisphere. During their 15 years in Australia, Fu Ni and Wang Wang captured the hearts of Australians, with their playful antics and calm, endearing personalities.

Return to China: After a long and successful stay in Australia, Fu Ni and Wang Wang returned to China on November 15, 2024, marking the end of their 15-year journey abroad. They underwent a month-long quarantine at the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center’s Wolong Shenshuping Base before reintegrating into their homeland. Until now, they are not yet displayed.

Gallery of Panda Fu Ni

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