Panda Liang Bang: The Founder of Bang Family

Panda Liang Bang

Liang Bang (良浜/Liangbang) is not just any panda – she’s a living legend! Born in 2000 at Wakayama Adventure World, this plump, apple-faced beauty became Japan’s first surviving panda born in captivity. With her sparkling eyes and distinctive Mickey Mouse ears, she has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Her journey through motherhood, marked by multiple successful births, has made her a key figure in panda conservation, celebrating the magic of both her and her babies.

Basic Information

  • Name: Liang Bang (良浜)
  • Date of Birth: September 6, 2000
  • Gender: Female
  • Genealogy Number: 521
  • Father: Ha lan (哈兰)
  • Mother: Mei Mei (梅梅)
  • Siblings: Xiong Bang (雄浜), Long Bang (隆浜), Qiu Bang (秋浜), Xing Bang (幸浜), Ai Bang (爱浜), Ming Bang (明浜), Qi Zhen (奇珍)
  • Current Residence: Wakayama Adventure World, Shirahama, Japan

Life Experience of Panda Liang Bang

Birth: As the third offspring of Mei Mei, a panda living in Japan, Liang Bang was the first giant panda born at the Wakayama Adventure World who survived to adulthood. Her birth in 2000 marked a significant moment in panda conservation in Japan, as it came twelve years after the return of pandas “Chen Chen (辰辰)” and “Qing Qing (青青)” to China.

Appearance: From birth, Liang Bang exhibited features that would set her apart as an extraordinary panda. She inherited her parents’ best traits, such as a round, apple-shaped face, big eyes, large ears that resemble the iconic Mickey Mouse shape, a set of sparkling white teeth, and a plump, healthy body.

Honor: In recognition of her significant contributions to promoting Wakayama Prefecture’s culture, tourism, and ecological conservation efforts, the government of Wakayama awarded Liang Bang, along with Mei Mei and Yong Ming (永明), the title of “County Merit Lord” (also known as “Wakayama Knight”) on July 27, 2011.

Birthday Celebration: Every year, on Liang Bang’s birthday, Adventure World holds a grand celebration in her honor. These events are eagerly awaited by panda fans, who come to celebrate her life and appreciate the joy she has brought to their lives.

Breeding Achievements of Panda Liang Bang

September 13, 2008: Liang Bang gave birth to twin pandas, Yong Bang (永浜) and Mei Bang (梅浜). This was a significant moment in panda breeding as it marked the first successful second-generation breeding of pandas born abroad. Yong Bang and Mei Bang returned to China on February 16, 2013.

August 11, 2010: Liang Bang gave birth to another set of twins, Yang Bang (阳浜) and Hai Bang (海浜), who later returned to China on June 5, 2017.

August 10, 2012: She gave birth to a daughter, You Bang (优浜), who was also sent back to China on June 5, 2017.

December 2, 2014: Liang Bang had another set of twins, female cubs Tao Bang (桃浜) and Ying Bang (樱浜).

September 18, 2016: At 1:12 AM, she gave birth to a daughter, Jie Bang (结浜), who weighed 197 grams at birth.

August 14, 2018: Liang Bang gave birth to another daughter, Cai Bang (彩浜), but sadly, she also delivered a stillborn cub two days later on August 16.

November 22, 2020: Liang Bang became a mother again, giving birth to a daughter named Feng Bang (枫浜) at 11:50 AM.

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