Panda Ming Bang: Good Health and Bright Future

Panda Ming Bang

Ming Bang (明浜), a male giant panda, was born on December 23, 2006, at the Wakayama Adventure World in Japan. Known for his exceptional genetics and important role in the giant panda breeding program, Ming Bang’s life is a testament to successful international conservation efforts. He is part of a historic pair of twins and has contributed to panda conservation both in Japan and China. Ming Bang’s journey from Japan to China marks a significant chapter in the global efforts to preserve this endangered species.

Basic Information

  • Name: Ming Bang (明浜)
  • Meaning of the Name: Good Health and Bright Future
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: December 23, 2006
  • Genealogy Number: 662
  • Place of Birth: Wakayama Adventure World, Japan
  • Father: Yong Ming (永明)
  • Mother: Mei Mei (梅梅)
  • Twin Sister: Ai Bang (爱浜)
  • Other Siblings: Xiong Bang (雄浜), Long Bang (隆浜), Qiu Bang (秋浜), Xing Bang (幸浜), Qi Zhen (奇珍), Qi Yuan (奇缘) Liang Bang (良浜),

Life Experience of Panda Ming Bang

Birth: Ming Bang and his twin sister, Ai Bang, were born to the famous panda couple Yong Ming and Mei Mei. They hold the distinction of being the first panda twins in captive breeding history to be born during the fall mating season and successfully raised through winter.

Naming Ceremony: The naming of the twins followed a public naming campaign in February 2007, where a total of 7,168 name suggestions were received. “Ming Bang” was chosen, symbolizing the hope for good health and a bright future for the family.

Back to China: On December 14, 2012, Ming Bang and his sister Ai Bang returned to China, arriving at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. The pair was introduced to the public in February 2013, where they quickly became local favorites. In March 2013, Ming Bang, along with a female panda named Shu Lin (蜀琳), was transferred to the Liuzhou Zoo in Guangxi.

Birthday Celebrations: In December 2018, the Liuzhou Zoo held a special birthday celebration for Ming Bang, marking his 12th year. This event was a joyful occasion, celebrating his growth and the significant role he plays in panda conservation efforts. On December 22, 2024, Liuzhou Zoo hosted a lively pre-birthday celebration for its “star” panda, Ming Bang.

News about Panda Ming Bang

Gallery of Panda Ming Bang