Panda Mao Tao (毛桃), affectionately known as “Huang Tao” or “Golden Peach” by fans due to his unique yellowish fur, is a spirited male panda born on July 26, 2016, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Despite his young age and relatively small size, Mao Tao is known for his bold personality, engaging in playful “fights” with other pandas. His journey took a dramatic turn in 2020 when he faced a serious health crisis, but thanks to skilled care and his resilient nature, Mao Tao made a remarkable recovery.
Basic Information
- Name: Mao Tao (毛桃)
- Lineage Number: 1017
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: July 26, 2016
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Father: Xiong Bang (雄浜)
- Mother: Mao Mao (毛毛)
- Twin Brother: Mao Dou (毛豆)
- Siblings: Mao Zhu (毛竹), Mao Sun (毛笋), Re Gan Mian (热干面), Dan Huang Gao (蛋烘糕)
Intriguing Details of Panda Mao Tao
Appearance and Personality: Mao Tao is immediately recognizable due to his unique yellowish fur, which has led fans to nickname him “Huang Tao” or “Golden Peach.” Despite his relatively small size, Mao Tao’s personality shines as a playful yet assertive young panda. Known for his “wrestling” matches with other pandas, he has a reputation as a bit of a “little bully” among his panda companions.
Health Challenges and Treatment
In early 2020, Mao Tao experienced a sudden health crisis, exhibiting symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and mucus-like stool. After close observation, the veterinary team at the Chengdu Research Base diagnosed him with a duodenal obstruction, where a bamboo food ball had lodged near the pyloric section of his intestine.
The veterinary team, in collaboration with surgical specialists from the Nuclear Industry 416 Hospital, swiftly performed surgery to remove the obstruction. The operation was a success, and the blockage was extracted from Mao Tao’s digestive tract. However, complications arose post-surgery as Mao Tao went into shock due to metabolic disruptions. Undeterred, the dedicated veterinary team worked tirelessly for 36 hours, providing constant care to stabilize his condition. Their persistence paid off, and Mao Tao ultimately emerged from the ordeal safe and stable.
Following surgery, Mao Tao exhibited impressive resilience and discipline. He refrained from scratching his surgical wound and cooperated well with his caretakers. In the early stages of recovery, his diet was carefully managed, transitioning from bamboo powder and nutrient-rich liquids to tender bamboo shoots as he regained strength. His digestive health gradually improved, and Mao Tao returned to his usual spirited self under the attentive care of his keepers.