Panda Mao Dou (毛豆), born on July 26, 2016, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, is a female panda with a strong character and a unique appearance. Known affectionately as “Scarface Dou” due to a distinct scar on her right cheek, Mao Dou has captured the attention of panda enthusiasts with her fearless personality and thoughtful demeanor. Despite her mischievous spirit, she’s also known for her moments of calm reflection, as if contemplating the complexities of the world around her.
Basic Information
- Name: Mao Dou (毛豆)
- Date of Birth: July 26, 2016
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Gender: Female
- Father: Xiong Bang (雄浜)
- Mother: Mao Mao (毛毛)
- Twin Brother: Mao Tao (毛桃)
- Other Siblings: Mao Zhu (毛竹), Mao Sun (毛笋), Re Gan Mian (热干面), Dan Huang Gao (蛋烘糕), Da Mao (大毛)
Intriguing Details of Panda Mao Dou
Appearance: Mao Dou has a round face, large ears, and big, dark eye patches that give her an intimidating look, earning her the nickname “Level 16 War God.” She also has a scar on the right side of her face, which led to another nickname – “Scar Dou.”
Gangster Dou: As a youngster, Mao Dou was known for her intelligence, curiosity, and playful spirit, always eager to explore her surroundings. Over time, she developed a more assertive personality and a bit of a fierce streak, often engaging in playful “battles” with her panda companions. Her boldness and spirit have led to other affectionate nicknames, such as “Gangster Dou,” and “Big Brother” emphasizing her status as a “panda with an edge.”
Adoption: On November 30, 2017. Boxing champion Floyd Mayweather and Brycen Sports Culture Co., Ltd., donated 100,000 RMB to adopt Mao Dou at the Chengdu Panda Base. At the ceremony, Mayweather and representatives from Brycen Sports Culture expressed their commitment to supporting panda conservation efforts and following Mao Dou’s life with interest.
Personality Change: At the age of two, Mao Dou fell from a tree and fractured her leg. During surgery, the veterinarians had to shave off the thick fur on her hind legs to facilitate the operation, giving her a somewhat comical appearance. Perhaps due to this experience, Mao Dou underwent a noticeable personality shift after the surgery. She no longer competed with her companions for food and instead became more affectionate, often sticking close to her keepers to seek attention and affection.