Hai Bang (海浜) is a charming and beloved giant panda, known for his playful nature and heartwarming personality. Born on August 11, 2010, at the Shirahama Animal Park in Wakayama, Japan, Hai Bang is one of the members of the famed “Bang family.” His early years were filled with affection and care from both the zoo staff and visitors. As he grew, his unique characteristics and endearing behavior made him a favorite not only in Japan but also in China, where he later moved as part of the international panda conservation program.
Basic Information
- Name: Hai Bang (海浜)
- Birth Date: August 11, 2010
- Gender: Male
- Place of Birth: Shirahama Animal Park, Wakayama, Japan
- Genealogy Number: 782
- Father: Yong Ming (永明)
- Mother: Liang Bang (良浜)
- Twin Sister: Yang Bang (阳浜)
- Siblings: Yong Bang (永浜), Mei Bang (梅浜), You Bang (优浜), Cai Bang (彩浜), Feng Bang (枫浜), Tao Bang (桃浜), Ying Bang (樱浜)
Intriguing Details of Panda Hai Bang
Hai Bang shares a striking resemblance to his father, Yongming, with the characteristic long tubular mouth of the Bang family. His round, bright eyes and endearing “crooked smile” have earned him a place in the hearts of many. Known for his gentle and sensitive temperament, Hai Bang excels at interacting with humans, making him a little star at the park. He enjoys a variety of playful activities, such as holding his head for “sit-ups” or focusing intently on playing with balls. Known as the “sleeping god” of the panda world, his napping moments are a source of joy and healing for those who observe him.
Life Experience of Panda Hai Bang
Early Life: Hai Bang was born alongside his twin sister, Yang Bang, and the two were closely nurtured by the staff at Shirahama Animal Park.
Return to China: As part of the Giant Panda International Breeding and Research Cooperation Agreement between Japan and China, Hai Bang, along with his twin sister Yang Bang and younger sister You Bang, returned to China on June 5, 2017. The three pandas began their new lives at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.
Educational Outreach: After settling in Chengdu, Hai Bang was sent on an educational mission to Guiyang’s Qianling Mountain Park, where he engaged in panda culture outreach activities.