Panda Ni Ke (妮可), a spirited and easily recognizable giant panda, was born on July 20, 2017, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Known for his cheerful and active personality, Ni Ke stands out among his peers with his distinctive left front paw marked by a patch of white fur. From his birth alongside his twin sister Ni Na to his growth into a charming young panda, Ni Ke’s life has been full of character and charm.
Basic Information
- Name: Ni Ke (妮可)
- ID Number: 1081
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: July 20, 2017
- Place of Birth: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Birth Weight: 203 grams
- Mother: Ni Ni (妮妮)
- Twin Sister: Ni Na (妮娜)
- Siblings: Ni Da (妮大), Ni Xiao (妮小)
Ni Ke is full of energy, with a friendly and playful demeanor that makes him stand out. His most notable feature is his left front paw, marked with white fur, which gives him a unique look among giant pandas.
Growth and Development
Birth: Ni Ke’s story began on July 20, 2017, when his mother, Ni Ni, gave birth to a set of fraternal twins. A few weeks before the birth, Ni Ni displayed reduced appetite, eating only small amounts of bamboo shoots and leaving most of her usual treats untouched. On the morning of July 20, she delivered Ni Ke, the elder of the twins, at 5:48 AM, weighing 203 grams. His sister Ni Na was born shortly afterward at 6:33 AM, weighing 91 grams. The twins became the fifth pair of fraternal twins in the renowned “Olympic” panda family.
Juvenile Period: Growing up with his twin sister at the Chengdu Panda Base, Ni Ke’s playful nature became evident early on. As the older twin, he quickly showed an energetic and curious personality, making him a favorite among visitors.
Youth: As he matured, Ni Ke grew into a handsome young panda with an air of grace and calm. Whether he’s sitting or lounging on his climbing structures, Ni Ke has a calm, composed charm, enhanced by his gentle movements. He is also known as a “food enthusiast,” often seen snacking on bamboo, which he rarely lets out of his grasp.