If you think all pandas are the same, Fu Lu (福禄/Fulu) will change your mind! With her quiet charm and love for tree climbing, she’s a panda who knows how to keep to herself – until she’s ready to surprise you. Born on August 8, Fu Lu’s nickname “Gourd” reflects her adorable shape, but it’s her responsible mothering and unique personality that truly make her stand out. Her calm yet attentive nature makes her one of a kind in the panda world!
Basic Information
- Name: Fu Lu (福禄)
- Meaning of the Name: Happiness and Fortune
- Alias: Hu Lu (Gourd 葫芦)
- Date of Birth: August 8, 2013
- Gender: Female
- Gene Number: 813
- Birthplace: China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center, Ya’an Bifengxia Panda Base
- Mother: Ying Hua (瑛华)
- Father: Bai Yang (白杨)
- Siblings: Da Bai Tu (大白兔), Dian Dian (点点), Fu Xing (福星), Fu Tao (福涛), Fu Lin (福琳), Xiao Jiu (小九), Hua Bao (华宝)
Intriguing Details of Panda Fu Lu
Nickname Origin: Fu Lu was born on August 8, and the number 8 resembles the shape of a gourd, so her nickname is “Hu Lu” (Gourd). Her cubs are affectionately referred to as “Hu Lu Wa” (Gourd Babies).
Tree Climber: Fu Lu loves climbing trees and often climbs to great heights. Sometimes, to reach the top, she uses her mouth to grab branches to assist her limbs in climbing. She enjoys sleeping in the trees, often resting for long periods of time.
Quiet Personality: Fu Lu is known for her sensitive and cleanliness-oriented nature, embodying the traits of a “white, rich beauty.” She is not fond of being around visitors and prefers to keep her distance. While waiting for snacks, she may wander in front of the audience but generally does not interact with them. It’s only when there are fewer people around that she might suddenly become excited and start rolling around on the wooden platforms.
Responsible Mother: Fu Lu’s cub, Fu Wan, became a topic of public concern due to being born with spinal and hip joint developmental issues, which led to widespread attention on social media. Despite Fu Wan’s health challenges, Fu Lu has been incredibly attentive, always staying close and offering comfort, doing her best to care for her cub.
Personality: She enjoys climbing trees and often sleeps at high altitudes, preferring to keep her distance from visitors and generally does not interact with them.
Life Experience of Panda Fu Lu
Birth: On February 21, 2013, Fu Lu’s mother Ying Hua, along with another panda named Ji Ni (绩尼), went to the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center for a “matchmaking” event. Ying Hua later successfully mated with Bai Yang. After a 124-day gestation period, Fu Lu was born on August 8, 2013, at the Ya’an Bifengxia Base, weighing 117.2 grams.
Relocation: In 2014, Fu Lu, along with pandas Meng Da (萌大) and Meng Er (萌二), was transferred to Beijing Zoo but was not initially exhibited to the public.
Exchange Program: At the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019, Fu Lu was exchanged to the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base to diversify the gene pool, while panda Fu Wa (福娃) traveled to Beijing Zoo.
First Litter: On October 18, 2020, Fu Lu gave birth to a female panda cub named Fu Shuang (福双) at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. Fu Shuang’s father is Gong Zai (功仔).
Adoption: On June 1, 2022, Fu Shuang was adopted by the mobile game “Soul Tides” and renamed “Xi Bao (汐宝).”
Second Litter: On August 29, 2022, Fu Lu gave birth to twin daughters, Fu Wan (福菀) and Fu Ru. Fu Wan has been noted for having spinal issues that affect her hind legs, while Fu Ru (福茹) has faced attention due to eye mite problems.
Social Attention and Controversies
At the Chengdu Panda Base, Fu Lu is sometimes overlooked. For example, some visitors have noticed that to ensure late arrivals can see pandas, the base keeps some pandas out longer, and Fu Lu is often one of the last to be brought inside. Occasionally, she has even been left outside during meal times, and despite her efforts to attract the caretakers’ attention by standing on her hind legs and rolling, she is sometimes ignored. Although Fu Lu is not as famous as some other pandas, many netizens have expressed concern, calling for the base to treat all pandas equally and provide more care and attention to Fu Lu.