Qi Yi (奇一/Qiyi), born on July 1, 2016, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, is not your average panda. With a tuft of hair atop her head resembling a Wi-Fi signal, she quickly earned the nickname “Teletubby” for her unique appearance. But it’s her personality that truly captivates. Qi Yi is known for her heartwarming leg-hugging antics, eagerly rushing to her zookeepers for a tight embrace.
Basic Information
- Name: Qi Yi (奇一)
- Date of Birth: July 1, 2016
- Gender: Female
- Lineage Number: 1008
- Current Residence: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Mother: Qi Yuan (奇缘)
- Father: Yong Yong (勇勇)
- Twin Sister: Qi Guo (奇果)
- Siblings: Qi Fu (奇福), Qi Miao (奇妙), Ming Ming (明明), Yuan da (缘大), Yuan Xiao (缘小), Si Yuan (思缘)
Intriguing Details of Panda Qi Yi
Appearance: Qi Yi has a tuft of hair on her head that resembles a Wi-Fi signal, which is said to be capable of providing a signal for the entire panda base. There was a time when her zookeeper trimmed off this tuft of hair, but it quickly grew back. Because of this distinctive feature, Qi Yi is also known as the “Teletubby.”
leg-hugging expert: One of Qi Yi’s most endearing habits is her love for hugging legs. Whenever she gets the chance, she enthusiastically rushes towards her keepers and tightly clings to their legs. This affectionate gesture has made her the “leg-hugging expert” at the zoo, melting the hearts of everyone who witnesses it.
Contrasting Behaviors: Qi Yi has a lively and adorable personality. When she first tries to climb, her steps are a bit wobbly, and when she runs, she bounces like a rabbit. Her drinking is also slow and leisurely. However, when she sees a zookeeper or food, she becomes incredibly agile and active, showing a sharp contrast to her usual laid-back demeanor.
Bond with Zookeepers: Qi Yi has developed a strong emotional bond with her zookeepers. When the zookeepers add extra food, Qi Yi shows more enthusiasm, especially for bamboo shoots, eagerly waiting for her “dad” to feed her. If a zookeeper is sick or on leave, Qi Yi will appear sluggish and disinterested in food, but once the zookeeper returns, she perks up immediately, eagerly seeking hugs.
Being Beaten by Mei Lan: An online story circulates that Qi Yi was the little panda who was “beaten” by Mei Lan (梅兰) after trying to steal a small piece of apple. In this incident, Mei Lan reportedly raised her fists and gave Qi Yi a “good thrashing.”
Destructive Tendencies: Known as the “King of Destruction” at the base, Qi Yi once single-handedly demolished the No. 2 villa! When she was let out into the outdoor area, she pulled out a drainage pipe and chewed it up. She even tried to block the pipe with dirt, but to no avail. The next day, the foundation of the villa collapsed, and the entire area was flooded overnight. The pandas had to move urgently.