Panda Qi Ji: The Miracle

Panda Qi Ji

With her playful antics and strategic brilliance, Qi Ji (奇迹/Qiji) is the panda everyone falls for. Known for her quirky ear shapes and playful moves, including pretending to limp and rolling her eyes, she’s a charmer with a mischievous streak. Whether she’s outsmarting her keepers during a “panda fishing” game or flexing her strength in a friendly tussle, Qi Ji always keeps you guessing, leaving a lasting impression of her delightful personality.

Basic Information

  • Name: Qi Ji (奇迹)
  • Meaning of the Name: Miracle
  • Nickname: Da Ya Dan (Big Egg) (大丫蛋)
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: July 31, 2021
  • Birthplace: Qinling
  • Mother: Bai Ya Ya (白丫丫)
  • Father: Qiao Qiao (乔乔)
  • Twin Brother: Xi Qing (喜庆)

Intriguing Details of Panda Qi Ji

Appearance: One of Qi Ji’s most striking features is her ears. They are uniquely shaped, with one ear resembling a loyal guardian standing guard, while the other ear resembles a sunflower turning toward the sun. In addition to her adorable looks,

Unique Skill: Qi Ji has mastered several entertaining skills, including the ability to pretend to limp and roll her eyes. Her playful and charismatic nature delights visitors and adds to her charm.

Outstanding Strength: Qi Ji’s strength is also notable. She once overwhelmed another panda cub, Ba Zai (八仔), in a playful but intense encounter. Ba Zi, unable to retaliate, quickly climbed up a tree to escape her, trembling in fear. Qi Ji’s “battle prowess” has made her one of the most talked-about pandas at the center.

Tactical Mastermind: During the “panda fishing” activity (where food is tied to a string and dangled above pandas to encourage them to stand up and strengthen their lower limbs), Qi Ji showcases impressive strategy. She pretends to ignore the food, casually pulling at grass or wandering around. Then, the moment the keeper lets their guard down, she swiftly snatches the reward without any effort.

Gallery of Panda Qi Ji

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