Panda Di Di (迪迪) lived a life full of adventure, leaving a lasting impression on the hearts of many. Born on October 5, 1994, in China’s Wolong National Nature Reserve at the Hetaoping Wildness Training Base, Di Di became well-known for his endearing personality and widespread travels. His journey through various regions of China made him a beloved figure in the national panda conservation effort. Sadly, on July 12, 2022, Di Di passed away at the age of 27, but his legacy as a gentle giant continues to inspire people who had the privilege of knowing him.
Basic Information
- Name: Di Di (迪迪)
- Gender: Male
- Date of Birth: October 5, 1994
- Date of Death: July 12, 2022
- Place of Birth: Wolong National Nature Reserve, Hetaoping Wildness Training Base
- Lineage Number: 413
- Father: Pan Pan (盼盼)
- Mother: Jia Jia (佳佳)
- Siblings: Jia Lin (佳林), Guo Guo (帼帼), Yue Yue (月月)
Intriguing Details of Panda Di Di
God of Sleep: Di Di was a typical “big guy” known for his laid-back and sleepy nature. He was famous for his love of sleep and reluctance to engage in physical activity. On average, Di Di would sleep for over 10 hours a day, often needing to be woken up by his caretakers so he wouldn’t miss mealtimes. After eating, he would either bask in the sun or retreat to an air-conditioned room to enjoy some cool air while continuing his nap. Di Di was known for his unique sleeping positions, often lying on his back with all four paws in the air. Sometimes, he would even rest one leg on the side of his crib while humming softly to himself, a sign of his carefree and relaxed attitude.
Life Experience of Panda Di Di
Early Life: Di Di’s life was filled with travels and relocations across China. His first major trip occurred in 2000 when he was sent to the Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo for a brief two-month stay before returning to Sichuan.
Professional Traveler: Beginning in 2007, Di Di became a true “traveler,” visiting various regions in southern, northern, and eastern China. He lived in locations such as Yunnan Wildlife Park, Jilin Jiangnan Park, Jiamusi Shuoyuanshan Park in Heilongjiang, Quzhou Children’s Park in Zhejiang, Linyi Zoo in Shandong, and Anyang People’s Park in Henan. These experiences helped Di Di become an ambassador for panda conservation, winning the hearts of people across the nation.
Death: In his later years, Di Di returned to the Dujiangyan Base of the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda to enjoy a peaceful retirement. Unfortunately, on July 12, 2022, Di Di passed away, ending his legendary journey.