Chuan Zai (川仔), affectionately known by her nicknames Xiao Chuan Bao, Chuan Bei, and Princess Ludan, is a female giant panda born on May 20, 2018, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding’s Moon Delivery Room. Despite facing challenges from a young age, including being born without claws on her right hand, Chuan Zai has grown into a playful, clever, and independent panda. Her remarkable journey from a shy cub to a beloved adult panda has captured the hearts of many, showcasing her resilience and charm.
Basic Information
- Name: Chuan Zai (川仔)
- Nicknames: Xiao Chuan Bao, Chuan Bei, Princess Ludan
- Date of Birth: May 20, 2018
- Birthplace: Moon Delivery Room, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Gender: Female
- Birth Weight: 154.3 grams
- Mother: Bei Chuan (北川) (a panda rescued from the wild)
- Lineage Number: 1121
Growth and Development
As a cub, Chuan Zai was known for her shy and timid personality. She often preferred hiding in her caretaker’s arms rather than playing in the sun with her fellow cubs. Her reserved nature earned her special attention from one of her nannies, Mei, who adored her and would often feed her while holding her closely. This special treatment sparked jealousy among the other cubs, but it also highlighted Chuan Zai’s affectionate relationship with her caregivers. Whenever her caretakers called her, she would run toward them with her adorable short legs, showing her attachment to them.
During her childhood, Chuan Zai blossomed in the panda kindergarten at the Chengdu Research Base. She became the “class leader” and was known for her playful and mischievous behavior. She often engaged in friendly fights with other cubs or teamed up with them to claim spots like the pool or wooden platforms. Despite her playful nature, Chuan Zai was also very intelligent, being the first panda in her class to learn how to walk and climb trees.
As Chuan Zai grew older, she gradually became more mature and independent. She no longer clung to her caretakers as she once did and developed a confident and lively personality. Her playful spirit and intelligence have continued to win the admiration of both visitors and staff at the research base.
Physical Characteristics
One unique feature of Chuan Zai is the absence of claws on her right hand. Despite this, it has not affected her joyful and optimistic nature. She has adapted to this physical difference with grace, continuing to live an active and playful life. Her resilience in the face of challenges has made her even more endearing to those who care for her.