Yao Xin (姚欣/Yaoxin) is more than just another panda – she’s a symbol of resilience and charm. Born in the lush surroundings of Ya’an, this lively panda’s journey has taken her across different habitats, from the Sanjiang Eco-Tourism Area to the Changyu Dongtian Panda Museum, where she continues to captivate visitors with her gentle yet spirited nature. Despite the challenges she’s faced, Yao Xin’s endearing personality shines through, making her a true panda star.
Basic Information
- Name: Yao Xin (姚欣)
- Gender: Female
- Date of Birth: September 27, 2009
- Place of Birth: Ya’an Bifengxia Base, China
- Lineage Number: 760
- Mother: Guo Guo (帼帼)
- Father: Lu Lu (芦芦)
- Twin Sister: Yao Man (姚蔓)
- Siblings: Yao Yao (耀耀), Liang Liang (亮亮), Mei An (美安), Ping Ping (平平), An An (安安), Ya Ji (雅吉), Hua Sheng (花生)
Life Experience of Panda Yao Xin
Early Years: Yao Xin spent her early years at the Ya’an Bifengxia Base, where she was nurtured and cared for, developing her lively personality and social skills.
Move to Sanjiang: On March 10, 2012, Yao Xin was relocated to the Sanjiang Eco-Tourism Area, where she continued to engage with visitors and showcase the charm of giant pandas.
Back to Bifengxia: After nearly a year, on January 8, 2013, she returned to the Bifengxia Base, where she further adapted to her environment and established connections with other pandas.
Settle in Taizhou: On January 23, 2015, Yao Xin was sent to the Changyu Dongtian Panda Museum in Taizhou, Wenling, where she has remained ever since.
Incident and Concern about Panda Yao Xin
In March 2023, an incident involving Yao Xin sparked considerable concern among panda enthusiasts. On March 15, a video surfaced showing two rude visitors at the Changyu Dongtian Panda Museum splashing water on the sleeping panda, causing her distress. This event raised questions about the adequacy of care for the pandas at the facility. In response to public outcry, the staff clarified that they had immediately consulted the zookeepers after receiving feedback. It was explained that the visitors acted while the zookeeper was briefly away fetching bamboo, and Yao Xin was physically unharmed. The facility reassured the public that a dedicated zookeeper was always present to care for her.
Following the water-splashing incident, on March 26, visitors noted several deficiencies at the Changyu Dongtian Panda Museum, including inadequate enrichment, insufficient food, and the presence of electric fencing within the pandas’ activity areas. Concerned netizens called for improvements. The management responded positively by adding protective covers to the living areas of Yao Xin and her companion, Huan Huan (欢欢), introducing new toys for their enrichment, and improving their living conditions. They also established social media accounts for both pandas to share updates about their well-being and daily lives, fostering a connection with the public.