Panda Qiao Dou Dou (Qiao Lin): The Offspring of Wild Giant Panda

Panda Qiao Dou Dou

Meet Qiao Dou Dou (乔兜兜/Qiao Doudou), the panda with more charm than a bag of surprises! Born with a playful spirit and a knack for mischief, he’s the panda who’s always stealing the spotlight, whether it’s by “styling” his brother or sneaking the best bite of carrots from the fruit platter. With a mother who’s a wild panda reintroduction hero, Qiao Dou Dou’s got both adorable antics and a fascinating legacy in his furry little paws!

Basic Information

  • Name: Qiao Dou Dou (乔兜兜)
  • Nickname: Qiao Lin (乔林)
  • Gender: Male
  • Lineage Number: 1220
  • Date of Birth: September 16, 2019
  • Mother: Qiao Qiao (乔乔)
  • Father: A Unkown Wild Panda
  • Twin Brother: Qiao Sen (乔森)/(Qiao Bao Bao, 乔包包)
  • Siblings: Chun Yu (春雨), Qiao Yi (乔伊), Qiao Liang (乔良), E Mei (娥眉), Rui Rui (蕊蕊)

Intriguing Details of Qiao Dou Dou

Notable Mother: Qiao Dou Dou’s mother, Qiao Qiao, is notable for being the second wild giant panda successfully reintroduced in China, a milestone with significant implications for panda genetic diversity and conservation efforts.

Name Origin: The name “Qiao Dou Dou” is inspired by the character “兜兜” (Dou Dou), which signifies a small bag filled with joy and surprises, just like the panda itself.

Mischievous Nature: Qiao Dou Dou is well-known for its mischievous and playful personality. He loves to frolic with its companions, especially during mealtime, where he often shows off its cuteness in various ways, trying to secure the center position and steal the spotlight. Moreover, Qiao Dou Dou enjoys “styling” its companions by gently biting its brother’s fur and ears, playfully making them look unusual and funny.

Dietary Preferences: Unlike most giant pandas that primarily eat bamboo and steamed buns, Qiao Dou Dou has an interest in grass as well. He frequently tries different plants in its enclosure. When the caretakers prepare a fruit and vegetable platter, Qiao Dou Dou quickly locates and enjoys its favorite snack—carrots.

Different Attitude: Qiao Dou Dou exhibits a complex and interesting attitude toward its companions, especially when interacting with Yi Jia (一家) and Su Jin (苏锦). He is afraid of Yi Jia, but not of Su Jin. When Yi Jia approaches, Qiao Dou Dou will make “mm-mm” or “dog-like” sounds to warn him off. In contrast, Su Jin appears very dominant, and Qiao Dou Dou remains silent around it. However, during mealtime, these three pandas always manage to sit together peacefully and enjoy the joy of eating in harmony.

Gallery of Panda Qiao Dou Dou