Panda Ke Da (科大), also fondly known as “Olympia,” is a remarkable female giant panda born on June 22, 2015, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. Her life story is intertwined with the values of the Olympic spirit and global sustainability. Known as one of the first panda twins born in 2015, Ke Da has captured hearts worldwide, from her celebrated infancy to her role as a mother.
Basic Information
- Name: Ke Da (科大)
- Nickname: Olympia (奥林匹亚)
- Gender: Female
- Date of Birth: June 22, 2015
- Birthplace: Moon Delivery Room, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding
- Mother: Ke Lin (科琳)
- Father: Qiao Qiao (乔乔)
- Twin Sister: Fu Wa (福娃) (nicknamed Ke Xiao 科小)
Name Origin and Symbolic Meaning
The names “Ke Da” and “Fu Wa” were chosen during the “2015 First Twin Pandas Global Naming Event” held by the Chengdu Research Base, in collaboration with Pandapia and Tencent Weibo. The names were submitted by Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee, to honor the pandas’ unique connection to Olympic values. “Olympia” and “Fu Wa” symbolize the deep roots of the Olympic spirit in China and embody the legacy of the Olympic Games, making these panda twins a living tribute to global unity and peace.
Life Experiences and Growth
Infancy: Shortly after her birth, Ke Da became a global sensation as one of the world’s first panda twins of 2015. As a beloved cub, she attracted attention and affection from fans around the world. Under the careful care of her keepers, Ke Da grew up healthy and full of life, quickly showing her endearing personality and playful energy.
Naming and First Public Appearance: When Ke Da and Fu Wa turned 100 days old, the naming campaign concluded, and the names were officially announced to the public. The announcement marked their debut, further enhancing their connection to the Olympic ideals they represent.
UN Global Goals Flag Bearer: In 2015, Ke Da and her twin sister were selected as flag bearers for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Together, they raised the flag for “Affordable and Clean Energy,” supporting the global initiative to promote environmental and social sustainability. This event underscored their role in promoting awareness of critical global issues.
Motherhood and the Next Generation: On September 28, 2022, Ke Da reached another milestone by giving birth to a healthy female cub named Ke Nian (科念), marking her first experience as a mother. This new addition also enriched the Chengdu Research Base’s “Olympic Family” of pandas, passing down Ke Da’s legacy and Olympic connection to future generations.