Meet Ji Xiao (绩笑), a charming giant panda whose captivating presence has won hearts since her early days. Born on June 5, 2019, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Ji Xiao quickly made headlines with her unique gray fur and delightful personality. From her playful interactions with caretakers to her roles as a brand ambassador, Ji Xiao’s journey reflects her growing influence and enduring appeal. Now residing in the picturesque Dujiangyan Panda Valley, Ji Xiao continues to delight fans and contribute to giant panda conservation efforts.
Basic Information
- Name: Ji Xiao (绩笑)
- Aliases: Xi Xi (稀稀), KPI
- Birthdate: June 5, 2019
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Sun Room
- Initial Weight: 166.8 grams
- Lineage Number: 1171
- Gender: Female
- Father: Mei Lan (美兰)
- Mother: Ji Li (绩丽)
- Siblings: Ji Mei (绩美), Ji Lan (绩兰), Ji Ran (绩然)
Intriguing Details of Panda Ji Xiao
Nickname Origin: Ji Xiao’s name in Chinese sounds similar to the word for “performance” (绩效), so many people affectionately call her “KPI.”
Splits Eyes: When Ji Xiao was born, she had a pair of clear eyes that seemed like they could “split” apart, which led netizens to jokingly say her eyes were “full of wisdom.”
Head Stuck Challenge: At Ji Xiao’s birthday party, her little head got stuck in a cake box. Despite spinning 360 degrees, she couldn’t find a way to escape. The scene was both heartwarming and hilarious. In the end, her keepers worked together to rescue her, and Ji Xiao was freed.
Bouncing Disco on Trees: Ji Xiao has a love for “bouncing disco” on trees. Regardless of the weather, whenever the mood strikes, she will climb to the top of a tree and start her “bouncing” performance. Her awkward yet determined movements seem to show off her unique style to the world.
Flower Fairy: As Ji Xiao grew older, she began to show an appreciation and love for beauty. She enjoys picking flowers and decorating her territory with them, as if creating a dreamy kingdom for herself.
Endorsements and Promotions: Due to her cute appearance and charming personality, Ji Xiao has become the face of various brands. She has endorsed bank cards and appeared on book covers, contributing to the promotional efforts of the Chengdu Research Base.
Growth Experience of Panda Ji Xiao
Early Years: Ji Xiao attracted attention from an early age due to her gray fur, and her debut even featured on the news. Listed as a Vulnerable (VU) species by IUCN, she quickly became popular for her adorable and endearing personality.
Childhood Fun: During her early years, Ji Xiao often interacted with her caretakers, showing a playful and charming side. She participated in various activities like photo shoots and playtime, becoming a little star at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.
Adoption and Naming: On October 21, 2019, Jiangxi Jiangzhong Food Therapy Technology Co., Ltd. and the Chengdu Research Base held an adoption ceremony. Jiangzhong Food Therapy adopted Ji Xiao through a donation and named her “Xi Xi,” symbolizing the blend of the rare giant panda species and Jiangzhong’s Monkey King Rice Paste.
Moves: On December 19, 2021, Ji Xiao, along with Cheng Feng (成风) and Cheng Lang (成浪), moved to the adult panda enclosure. On April 21, 2022, they relocated again to the Dujiangyan Panda Valley, where she continues to live with her close friends.