Chongqing Zoo’s Giant Panda “Qi San Mei” Turns Six Months Old: A Climbing Enthusiast with a Spicy Personality

On December 28, 2024, Chongqing Zoo celebrated the six-month milestone of the giant panda cub “Qi San Mei,” born to the panda “Hao Qi.” It is reported that “Hao Qi” gave birth to the cub on June 28, and the little panda has now reached six months of age. Since birth, the cub has been exclusively cared for by its mother, “Hao Qi,” with only minimal assistance from zookeepers. The cub is growing well, currently weighing 12 kg.

Chongqing Zoo's Giant Panda Qi San Mei Turns Six Months Old 1

As the third cub of “Hao Qi,” the baby panda is affectionately referred to as “San Mei” (meaning “Third Sister”). She nurses three to four times a day, each session lasting a long time, during which she displays an intense focus. Every day, she spends around two hours interacting and playing with her mother, particularly enjoying climbing onto her mother’s head and nibbling on her ears. “San Mei” also imitates her mother’s movements and behaviors.

“San Mei” has shown a strong interest in climbing and exploring new areas, and she is known for having various sleeping positions. Her personality can also be quite feisty. When irritated, she has been known to throw tantrums, showcasing a “spicy” temperament typical of a Chongqing girl.

We wish “San Mei” continued health and happiness as she grows!