Meet Cheng Lang (成浪), a remarkable giant panda born on June 11, 2019, at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. With an initial birth weight of just 42.8 grams, Cheng Lang was the lightest panda cub ever recorded. Despite facing early challenges, including difficulties with feeding, Cheng Lang’s determination and the expert care she received have allowed her to thrive. Now a sweet and healthy panda, Cheng Lang has settled into her new home at the Dujiangyan Panda Valley, where she continues to grow and enchant visitors.
Basic Information
- Name: Cheng Lang (成浪)
- Birthdate: June 11, 2019
- Birthplace: Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Sun Room
- Initial Weight: 42.8 grams
- Gender: Female
- Lineage Number: 1173
- Mother: Cheng Da (成大)
- Father: Mei Lan (美兰)
- Twin Sister: Cheng Feng (成风)
Growth Experience of Panda Cheng Lang
Early Challenges: Cheng Lang was born with just a quarter of the weight of a typical giant panda cub and less than two-thirds the length of her twin sister, Cheng Feng. Her low birth weight put her in a critical condition during the first few days, requiring 24-hour monitoring. Initially unable to nurse from her mother, Cheng Lang was fed artificially with milk from her mother, although the initial feeding bottle had too large a nipple hole, causing some issues. Experts created a specially designed smaller nipple and adjusted feeding techniques to ensure her safety.
Healthy Development: Under the careful care of the panda base’s expert team, Cheng Lang gradually adapted to her environment and began nursing from her mother independently within two weeks of birth. Her health indicators improved over time, and she has grown into a sweet and healthy giant panda, catching up with her peers in all aspects of development.
Current Residence: Cheng Lang now lives at the Dujiangyan Panda Valley. On April 21, 2022, she moved there with her twin sister Cheng Feng and another panda named Ji Xiao (绩笑), starting a new chapter in her life.