Giant Panda “Meng Meng” Expecting Twin Cubs Again

According to the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on August 13, Berlin Zoo is set to welcome giant panda cubs once again. The zoo announced that their female giant panda, Meng Meng (梦梦), is pregnant with twins. An ultrasound on August 11 revealed the heartbeats of two fetuses, with both cubs measuring about 2.5 centimeters in length.

Meng Meng previously gave birth to twins in 2019. An international team of experts had performed artificial insemination after meticulous observation and preparation. Female giant pandas have a fertility window of only around 72 hours each year. The zoo emphasized that they have prepared for the birth just as they did five years ago.

Giant Panda Meng Meng Expecting Twin Cubs Again

Veterinarian Franziska Zuttel, who participated in the ultrasound, expressed the team’s excitement, noting that earlier pregnancy checks had not detected the cubs. She stated, “While we are all excited, we must also recognize that there is still a risk of fetal loss. We hope everything goes as smoothly as it did in 2019.” That year marked the first time giant panda cubs were born at Berlin Zoo, causing a sensation. The twins born to Meng Meng were named “Dream” and “Dream Round,” and they were beloved by visitors before returning to China.

Zuttel also mentioned that Meng Meng is currently very sleepy and visitors may not see her frequently in the coming weeks. The 14-year-old male panda, Jiao Qing, will take on the role of greeting visitors.